Rake n’ Make

Celebrate Michigan’s beautiful fall season while exploring science, math, and art.

Prep It

All you need is a beautiful fall day and a grocery bag.


Go on an outdoor adventure with the children in your care. In a bag, gather lots and lots of leaves of different colors, shapes, and sizes.

Color Hunt

Actions as simple as gathering leaves can be turned into learning opportunities! Send children on a scavenger hunt for leaves of specific colors, shapes, or sizes.

“Go find as many RED leaves as you can.” “Now, go find as many TINY ones as you can.”

Next, count how many of each type you have together.

  • Preschoolers should practice counting one at a time. Help them count each leaf individually so that none are skipped or double counted.
  • Kindergartners should practice counting up to 100. Help them with the transitions from 29 to 30, 39 to 40, and so on.
  • First graders can practice skip counting by twos, so that they count “2, 4, 6, 8.”

Red Leaves & Green Leaves

Free Sort

Direct children to sort their bag of leaves. Tell them to “make groups,” but don’t tell them how to do it. This is an opportunity for them to stretch their brains! What do they decide to do? Do they sort by color? Shape? Size?

Push their thinking. Ask, “How are you deciding which leaf goes in which group?”

Spikey Leaves & Round Leaves

Pattern Making

Work together to make leaf patterns. If children sorted their leaves by color, you could work together to make patterns by color. If they sorted by size or shape, make patterns by size or shape.

Yellow/ Green Pattern & Spikey/ Round Pattern

Pattern Challenge

Time for a challenge! Make a complex pattern that is long or has many patterns within it.

Ask children to analyze, “What patterns do you notice?”

Can you spot the three different patterns in this image?

Small/ Big
Green/ Yellow/ Red
Round/ Round/ Pointy


Think of a new method of organizing the leaves- you could try by texture (bumpy o smooth), width, length, or by a combination of color and size (big and red o small and yellow). Invite children to match leaves from their bags to the groups you made. For example, if you grouped leaves by width, have the children look through their bags to find thin and wide leaves to add to your groups.

Say, “Explain how you know which group to place that leaf in.”

Ephemeral Art

For a fun challenge, design leaf art like artists Andy Goldsworthy y una James Brunt do! Give children lots of time to create their art. As they are making, ask them about their designs.

Say, “tell me about your design.” Ask questions like: “What is the pattern?” “How do you decide which leaf to put next?” “What makes your design special?”

James Brunt
James Brunt
Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Goldsworthy

The PEP team loves seeing the art you make with the children in your care!

Send us photos or tag us on social media!

Bolsas de Alfabeto

Aprender los sonidos que producen las letras es un paso muy importante para aprender a leer. ¡Juega este juego con sus niños usando solo bolsas de supermercado y cosas de la casa!

Prep It

You have everything you need for this activity already lying around the house!

  • Grocery bags or any other kind of bag
  • Scrap paper (optional)
  • Marker
  • Household items that start with the same letter
  • Household items that start with different letters


En una bolsa, escribe una letra. (Puede usar un marcador permanente).

¡Encuentra cosas en la casa que comiencen con esa letra, y deja que comience la diversión!

Things around the house that start with the letter S:

spoon, sock, salt, soap, scissors, straw, and string.

Before you start, collect items that start with your chosen letter. (For example, the letter “S”.) Put them all in the bag, and tell the child: “Everything in this bag starts with the same sound and letter. They all start with the letter… (S). (S) makes a (ssss) sound. Let me hear you say (ssss)!”

Repase todos los objetos en la bolsa juntos y nombre cada uno, exagerando el primer sonido de la palabra, por ejemplo: “This is a sock! Ssss-sock!”

CONSEJO: Continúe exagerando el sonido de la primera letra para la mayoría de la actividad.

Next, dump out all the items and ask the child to find ones to put back in the bag. After you’ve gone through all the items, name them together again, and ask the child, “What sound is at the beginning of all these words again? That’s right, (ssss)!”

Luego, introduzca algunos objetos nuevos, algunos que comienzan con la misma letra y otros que no. Dígale al niño: “We will be working together to decide if the new things should go into our (S) bag or not.” Para cada objeto, deje que el niño lo nombre, luego dígale algo como: “Should a hhhh-hot dog go into our ssss words bag?”
Ten muchos objetos que comienzan con dos letras diferentes para clasificarlos en dos bolsas diferentes. A medida que el niño aprende más sonidos, puede agregar más objetos y bolsas!
Go on a scavenger hunt to fill the alphabet bags. Let children pick a sound they would like to hunt for, or tell them which one to hunt for.

If you have multiple children in your care, this would be a great opportunity for them to hunt for different letter sounds and share what they found with each other!
Instead of just sorting by a beginning letter sounds, children who have experience reading and writing can play this activity in many unique ways:

-End sounds (pen, spoon)
-Dígrafos (palabras que tienen CH, SH, CK o TH)
-Rhyming words (sock, rock)
-Vowel sounds (pot, sock)
- Palabras de ortografía

Momentos de Orgullo

Pruebas de ortografía bien hechas, cuestionarios de matemáticas, o informes de libros adornan los refrigeradores de familiares de todo Flint. Los niños bajo su cuidado tienen muchos logros que no son escolares, y usted también puede mostrar orgullo por ellos!

Prep It

You just need a few materials to proudly celebrate children’s achievements:

  • Paper- the back of envelopes, junk mail, anything you can write on
  • Writing utensil- marker, pen, crayon


Sit down together and talk about things children have achieved lately that you’re proud of.

For example, “I’m really proud of you for being resilient and learning how to ride a bike even though it took a lot of practice,” or “I’m really proud of you for being responsible and choosing to do your homework before you play video games.”

Write these down on the paper, throw a big A+ or smiley face on them, and hang them up on the fridge!

Invite the kids to tell you what they’re proud of in themselves too. You might learn a lot about who they are when you’re not around.

Wouldn’t you love to hear, “I’m really proud of myself because I was nice to the bully in class, even though they’re not nice to me”? The PEP team sure would!

¡Disfruten estos momentos especiales juntos!

Ordenar Cualquier Cosa!

Next time you put away laundry, kitchen utensils, or other things around the house, invite the children to learn about making groups while they help you! Children will get lots of practice observing, thinking about similarities and differences, and using descriptive vocabulary.

Prep It

All you need for this activity is a mess ? You could use dishes, laundry, toy boxes, Legos, or shoes- no need to buy anything!


Ask children to make groups of things without telling them how, so they can think about how they want to group them. Once a child creates a group, say "Cuéntame sobre este grupo que hiciste" para que puedan explicar su pensamiento.

To encourage children to make many different kinds of groups, you could suggest they sort items by color, size, shape, purpose, or person. You may find that these prompts are especially useful for toddlers.

Buscando Figuras

Looking for shapes is a fun way to help young minds grow! Develop language skills and ideas about shape, space, and size all while playing this free and easy activity.

Prep It

You don’t need any special toys- everything your kids can get their hands on or point at is great for exploring shapes.



Hable con los niños sobre las formas que lo rodean donde quiera que vaya. Hable con los niños sobre las figuras que lo rodea por donde quiera que vaya. ¿Qué forma tiene ese frasco, esa galleta, o esa caja de cereal? ¿El plato es plano? ¿El cartón de leche es alto o bajo?

Una vez que los niños se sientan cómodos con los nombres de las formas, agregue colores y texturas: ¿Es esa puerta un rectángulo blanco? ¿Es esa galleta un círculo lleno de baches?

Play shapes I-spy

Juega figuras I-spy: ¿Cuántos círculos, cuadrados, rectángulos y triángulos puedes encontrar?

Make shape jokes

¿Esa cuchara es un cuadrado? Nooooooo no lo es! (Confía en nosotros, ¡esto es divertido cuando tienes 2 años!)

Prompt deep thinking

Use “what if” questions to help children think about why things are certain shapes. ¿Y si esa rueda fuera un triángulo? ¿Qué pasa si esa taza era plana?

Canciones y Planes para Lavarse las Manos

DIY Soaps

Click the buttons for the recipes!

¡Haga que el lavado de manos sea una tarea menos difícil para los niños con esta receta de jabon-gelatina! Esta receta hace jabones de gelatina con una consistencia gelatinosa. Realmente solo necesita dos ingredientes, jabón líquido y gelatina, pero puede agregar colorante alimentario, aceites perfumados, purpurina y pequeños juguetes!

Prueba esta receta de plastilina para jugar con jabón que es muy fácil y divertida de hacer. Los únicos ingredientes necesarios son harina, detergente líquido y crema de tártaro (opcional, pero hará que la masa sea más suave y dura más). ¡Esta receta hace una gran cantidad en la que los niños pueden tomar un pedazo y usar para lavarse las manos constantemente durante todo el día!

Dale sabor a tus jabones líquidos o desinfectantes agregando pequeños juguetes en los recipientes. Esta es una manera súper fácil y divertida de alentar a los niños a lavarse las manos durante todo el día. ¡Cuanto más se lavan las manos con el jabón, más cerca están de obtener los juguetes!


Lavadando las Manos con el Juego de Papa Caliente

¡Haz que el lavado de manos sea una actividad grupal divertida jugando este juego de papas calientes que se lava las manos! Reúna a todos para jugar antes de comer o después de regresar de afuera.

Washing Dolly’s Hands

Jugar a simular es una excelente manera para que los niños pequeños practiquen comportamientos de adultos como lavarse las manos. ¡Anime a sus hijos a que también les enseñen a sus muñecas de plástico y figuras de acción cómo lavarse las manos!


Click the buttons to download!

Imprima o use esta tabla como referencia para hacer su propia tabla de recompensas para lavarse las manos. Cada vez que su hijo se lave las manos, puede marcarlo en la tabla usando pegatinas o un marcador que indicará puntos. ¡Establezca una meta para la cantidad de puntos que su hijo tiene que obtener cada semana para recibir un premio!

Hang up this poster near the sink! For more posters, check out the Genesee County Health Department’s lista de carteles. If you would like one or more of these but don’t have a printer, we can print and mail them to you.

Please call or text us with your address, the poster(s) that you want, and how many copies you would like (up to 5 copies for each poster).


Click the buttons to learn the songs and sing along!

Video (Ages 2-4) 

Para los fanáticos de Baby Shark, ¡canta esta canción durante 20 segundos mientras eliminas los gérmenes!

Lyrics to Learn (Ages 2-7) 

Usa la melodía de las canciones infantiles clásicas con nuevas palabras para que tus manos se pongan limpias. ¡Elige tus favoritos de esta página!

Video (Ages 8+) 

Use the melody of some favorite Top 40’s songs to time your 20 seconds. Which one is your favorite?

Ve, escuche y mira: cómo se transmitan los gérmenes y cómo detenerlos

Siga estos enlaces con los niños bajo su cuidado para explorar las preguntas que todos tenemos sobre enfermedades contagiosas como el coronavirus y cómo mantenerse saludable.


Edades 2-4 (1 minuto 30 segundos)

When Daniel Tiger is sick, he imagines that he is a germ-fighting superhero that can make all the germs go away!

Edades 4-6 (2 minutos 20 segundos)

Sid y sus amigos cantan una canción sobre cómo se propagan los gérmenes. ¿Puedes inventar tu propia canción sobre el viaje de los gérmenes? ¡Envíenos sus letras o un video de su canción para compartir con otros proveedores de Flint!

De 5 a 8 años (1 minuto)

Conozca los hábitos saludables de Odd Squad con The Big O. En este video de capacitación de agentes de un minuto, The Big O comparte cómo los agentes de Odd Squad se mantienen alejados de los gérmenes.

De 5 a 8 años (1 minuto)

En este video de capacitación de agentes de un minuto, The Big O comparte algunos consejos importantes para el distanciamiento social, como hablar con amigos por teléfono o en video, mantener la distancia de cualquier persona que vea en persona y evitar apretones de manos, abrazos o chocar las manos. . ¡Mantente fuerte y saludable, porque Odd Squad te necesita!

Edades 9+ (5 minutos 46 segundos)

Mire este experimento de Mythbusters que reflexiona sobre las preguntas: ¿Cómo se propagan los gérmenes? ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de no lavarse las manos después de sonarse la nariz? ¿Qué tan rápido puede una persona enferma propagar gérmenes a las personas a su alrededor?

Edades 9+ (2 minutos 18 segundos)

Los Cazadores de Mitos están de nuevo, esta vez preguntando: ¿Hasta dónde llegan los gérmenes en los estornudos?


Edades 8+ (35 minutos)

Escuche esta larga historia de media hora que explora las preguntas: ¿Qué es exactamente el coronavirus? ¿Cómo se propaga? ¿Cómo puedo protegerme? Los niños aprenderán sobre el virus y cómo mantenerse a salvo. Además, escucharán una conversación entre dos virus habladores para aprender cómo se propagan estos gérmenes (y cómo nuestros cuerpos se defienden).

Edades 8+ (31 minutos)

¡Escucha esta larga historia de media hora para aprender sobre el virus y por qué el jabón es tan importante para detenerlo!


A partir de 4 años con ayuda de un adulto para leer; Para mayores de 8 años con poca o ninguna ayuda para leer

Esta breve tira cómica es una excelente forma visual de iniciar una conversación sobre muchas preguntas que los niños pueden tener sobre el virus.

Songs that Teach Hand Washing

Paseos Ilustrados

There is a lot more to reading books than just figuring out what the words say. Going on a “picture walk” can help children learn how books work, how fun they can be, and why they’re important.


All you need is a picture book and a comfy place to read together!

For young toddlers and infants, board books and bath books are good options. At Walmart, Meijer, local bookstores, Goodwill, Salvation Army, and on Amazon, you can find board books (books made with thick cardboard pages) and bath books (books with waterproof vinyl pages) that are safe even for babies to use on their own.
1. Start by holding the book yourself and let them point at it. As they become careful pointers, graduate them to the following steps.

2. Enséñeles cómo voltear cuidadosamente las páginas mientras sostiene el libro.

3. Coloque el libro sobre una mesa y pídales que voltean las páginas sin levantar el libro.

4. Pon el libro en la mesa y deja que voltean las páginas sin recoger el libro

5. Déjelos sostener el libro y voltear las páginas.


1. Start with the cover

Muestra a los niños el frente del libro. Dígales: “This is the cover of our book. What do you see on the cover?” If they are ready to, allow the child to hold the book so that they can point at and talk about what they notice.

If they have trouble starting or don’t go into much detail, ask them silly questions. If it’s a book about frogs, you could ask “Did you see this big whale? Nooo, that’s not a whale! What is it?”

2. “Reading” the inside pages

On the first page, point to the picture and ask the child what they see. Ask them to tell you what’s happening.

Ask these types of questions to prompt children to describe what they see:

  • What shapes do you see?
  • What colors?
  • Are there any animals or plants?
  • Are there any people?
  • What are the animals or people doing?
  • Where is the picture — in a house, the beach, forest, city, mountains?

Have them make up a story about the picture. It’s safe to move on when the child starts to lose interest in that page- no need to dig so deep that they become frustrated.

Repeat this on each page until the end of the book.

You may choose to read the actual written text, but “reading” the book using pictures only is a great learning experience for young children.

3. Challenge

Have children describe what they see in one picture, flip the page, describe what’s on the second picture, and then have them tell you a story about what’s happening on both pages. As they get better at this, increase to three pages, four pages, and on, until they are able to do this with a short book. Then, you can start using longer books.

Desarrollando la Coordinación de Manos con Plastilina

Hand coordination skills, sometimes called “fine motor skills” are the skills needed to do things like use spoons, pinch salt, and hold a pencil. Young children need lots of practice, especially between the ages of 3 months and 7 years old. Around 2 years old is when playing with playdough starts to have a big impact on children’s hand coordination skills.

Here are some ways you can encourage children of different ages to use playdough as a tool to develop their fine motor skills:

Encourage 2-3 year olds to try:
– Opening the Ziploc bag or jar where dough is stored on their own
– Snipping dough with safety scissors or plastic playdough scissors
– Generally shaping play dough with their hands, squishing it, smashing it, and pulling it
– Using tools like cookie cutters, spatulas, plastic straws, and pine cones to stamp and cut dough
– Roll dough into snakes
– Poke it using different fingers
Encourage 4-5 year olds to design detailed creations as they:
– Continue practicing their age 2-3 skills
– Practice using utensils like forks, knives, and spoons to poke, cut, and scoop
– Use tongs to squish and carry dough
– Use safety scissors to cut lines and shapes
– Build 3D animals, buildings, and other creations
– Build letters (especially letters to spell their names) by rolling dough into snakes and bending them into letter shapes
– Using a pencil to etch letters into flattened play dough “paper”
– Rolling dough into balls of the same and different sizes

Reacciones en Cadena

Can you get a ball into a cup using a cookbook, Ramen noodles, a tuna can, and some rulers?

Build a wacky chain reaction known as a Rube Goldberg Machine by using things around the house! Fun for everyone aged 3 to 83.

Prep It

Reúna materiales para usar. Algunos buenos materiales son:

  • Things that roll (like marbles, bouncy balls, toilet paper tubes, cans of soup, and toy cars)
  • Things that can knock other things over (dominoes, cereal boxes, individual packets of Ramen noodles)
  • String (ribbon, shoelaces, neckties)
  • Building materials (tape, stacks of books, rubber bands, Popsicle sticks, clothespins, toy blocks )


If you would like, search YouTube for “Rube Goldberg Machine” for some ideas. When you find a video you feel is appropriate to share with the children in your care, watch it together for inspiration! Below are some of our favorites ?

1. Decide on a simple task your machine should accomplish.

Here are some ideas:

  • Knock a ball into a trash can
  • Pour cereal out of the box, into a bowl
  • Get a ball from one end of the room to another without touching it
  • Pop a balloon

2. Give children freedom to build!

Tell them to make a machine that gets to the goal in as MANY STEPS as possible.

Dependiendo de su edad, debe cambiar la cantidad de ayuda que brinda con ideas y construcción.

Children will be exploring gravity, engineering, and physics without even knowing they’re learning!